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Tracy Ogle

Certified Consultant

My Story

My Scenty Story is pretty plain and simple. I absolutely LOVE my house to smell fresh in the spring, fruity in the summer, crisp and yummy in the fall and in the winter I love the smell of winter fresh, holiday baking and Christmas trees. What better way to have all that but to use candles? Well as we all know candles are not always safe especially with kids and animals. So I found Scentsy and love it. No wick, No flame and No Soot in the air or on your ceiling.. I have my seasonal warmers and not just a jar with a pretty picture on the front of it.  I can change my scents every day to give my home a different scent without breaking my bank on the expensive candles.  So now enough about me. Now it is time for you to try Scentsy and find your favorites!!!   Happy Shopping!!!  

What's warming in my home